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16-05-2024-El xenòfob Wilders anuncia un acord de govern als Països Baixos (sense ell com a primer ministre) | 14-05-2024-La crisis de la vivienda se extiende por toda Europa, pero la de Holanda está ya en otro nivel | 30-04-2024-Una multa per orinar al carrer es converteix en una lluita feminista de 9 anys a Amsterdam | 22-04-2024-Ámsterdam prohibirá la construcción de nuevos edificios hoteleros para luchar contra el turismo de masas | 18-04-2024-L'alcaldessa d'Amsterdam demana legalitzar la cocaïna: 'Hem donat el monopoli als delinqüents' | 16-03-2024-Ni fumar porros al carrer ni comprar cocaïna: així allunya Amsterdam el turisme de borratxera | 15-03-2024-Wilders fracassa en l'intent de liderar els Països Baixos tot i posar-se la pell de xai | 27-02-2024-Condenado a cadena perpetua el cabecilla de la mayor mafia de la droga en Países Bajos | 12-02-2024-Eutanàsia en parella: la tria d'un exprimer ministre neerlandès revela una opció a l'alça | 05-01-2024-Amsterdam mayor warns the Netherlands is at risk of 'becoming a narco-state' |
Paginació: 1234567
KLM, travel groups fed up with Schiphol's problems; 'Big bonus' will attract staff, says union
2022-10-01 (1/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

KLM and the trade association for travel organizations ANVR are sick and tired of the troubles at Schiphol and the damage they are causing to the sector. Schiphol has to get its affairs in order quickly, said Marja Rintel, CEO of KLM, the largest airline at the airport. Trade _union FNV thinks again giving staff a temporary ?big bonus? can help to quickly reduce the staff shortages at Schiphol. -groups-fed-schiphols-problems-big-bonus -will-attract-staff-says-union

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Amsterdam votes against plan to ban tourists from coffeeshops
2022-10-01 (2/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Amsterdam will not ban international tourists from its coffeeshops. A majority in the city council voted down mayor Femke Halsema?s plan to do just that on Thursday evening, Het Parool reports. votes-plan-ban-tourists-coffeeshops
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Schiphol chaos caused by gov't plans to shrink the airport: Travel agency group
2022-09-30 (3/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The continuing long lines and staff shortages at Schiphol airport are related to the government?s plans to shrink the airport, Arjan Kers, CEO of travel company TUI and chairman of the association for travel agencies ANVR, said to De Telegraaf. He expects the airport will soon announce restrictions on traveler numbers for the winter months. haos-caused-govt-plans-shrink-airport-tr avel-agency-group

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Airlines upset Schiphol will cut passenger total for 6 months; Ticket prices should rise
2022-09-30 (4/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The airlines active in the Netherlands are not happy with Schiphol's decision to further reduce the number of departing passengers in the upcoming winter season in order to reduce the crowds caused by staff shortages at security checkpoints. Airline association BARIN believes it is time for airlines to get the quality of service for which they pay the airport. pset-schiphol-will-cut-passenger-total-6 -months-ticket-prices-rise

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KLM to cancel dozens more flights this week as Schiphol struggles continue
2022-09-22 (5/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Dutch airline KLM will cancel an average of about 15 departing flights on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to contend with restrictions on the number of departing passengers at Schiphol Airport. A higher number of flights will be cancelled on Saturday and Sunday, KLM told media outlets on Wednesday. More flights will also be cancelled or consolidated in the weeks to come. -dozens-flights-week-schiphol-struggles- continue

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KLM announces second round of cancellations on Sunday due to Schiphol crowds
2022-09-19 (6/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

KLM is canceling 22 flights that would depart from Schiphol on Sunday because of the enormous crowds at the airport, a spokesperson reported on Saturday evening. The canceled flights are to European destinations. ces-second-round-cancellations-sunday-du e-schiphol-crowds

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KLM cancels 34 more flights on Saturday as Schiphol chaos continues -
2022-09-19 (7/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Dutch flag carrier KLM cancelled an additional 34 flights from Schiphol on Saturday following the airport authority?s decision to slash passenger numbers for the next six weeks because of staff shortages. ?KLM is very disenchanted that Schiphol only indicated on Friday that it would not be able to handle the number of passengers boarding in Amsterdam on Saturday 17, Sunday 18 and Monday, 19 September,? the airline said in a statement. ?This request comes over and above the cancellations already... m-cancels-34-more-flights-on-saturday-as -schiphol-chaos-continues/

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Si anéssim en bici tant com fan a Holanda s'estalviarien 700 milions de tones de CO₂ l'any
2022-08-23 (8/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Un estudi amb participació de l'ISGlobal de Barcelona calcula que també es produirien 620.000 morts anuals menys ici-tant-com-fan-a-holanda-sestalviarien -700-milions-de-tones-de-co8322-lany/not icia/3180818/

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Up to 2,000 suitcases remain abandoned at Schiphol Airport
2022-07-16 (9/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The problems are literally piling up at Schiphol airport. Passengers arriving at the airport last week again saw hundreds of suitcases unattended between the baggage belt. And that is just the tip of the iceberg because most suitcases, wheelchairs, strollers, and surfboards are in the central storage, AD reports. ases-remain-abandoned-schiphol-airport
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Detenen al Baix Llobregat un home implicat en l'assassinat del periodista Peter de Vries
2022-07-16 (10/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Estava amenaçat per la màfia per les seves investigacions periodístiques i el van tirotejar fa 1 any en ple carrer a Amsterdam feliu-de-llobregat-un-dels-implicats-en- lassassinat-dun-periodista-dinvestigacio -neerlandes/noticia/3175756/

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Rebelión en la granja europea
2022-07-12 (11/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

La rebelión que desde hace años se ha gestado en las cocinas y cooperativas de las idílicas granjas que salpican el paisaje de los Países Bajos ha estallado. al/20220712/8401361/rebelion-granja-euro pea.html

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Caos en toda Europa: ¿Qué está pasando en los aeropuertos?Los pasajeros alertan del caos en Frankfurt o Ámsterdam: “evitad volar allí a toda costa”
2022-07-10 (12/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Vuelo de Düsseldorf a Barcelona a última hora de la noche. La tripulación está en su puesto y los pasajeros a bordo, pero las maletas no llegan a la bodega del 220710/8397850/caos-europa-que-pasa-aero puertos.html

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Els grangers neerlandesos paralitzen el país i mantenen el torcebraç al govern
2022-07-07 (13/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El govern neerlandès reconeix que la nova legislació podria comportar el tancament d'un 30% de les granges ramaderes s-paisos-baixos-protestes-nitrogen/
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La saturación en los aeropuertos amarga las vacaciones a pasajeros en toda Europa.
2022-07-06 (14/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Incluso los viajeros más experimentados se sorprenden al comprobar el nivel de caos en aeropuertos como el de Schiphol, en Amsterdam. “Viajo constantemente por mi trabajo, he estado en aeropuertos de medio mundo, entre ellos el de Atlanta [entre los más transitados del mundo] en un día de crisis aérea; pero nunca he visto un desastre igual al del aeropuerto de Amsterdam la semana pasada”, asegura Joan Pérez.

Este barcelonés debía viajar de la capital de Países Bajos a El Prat el miércoles de la semana pasada. “Recibí un mensaje al móvil de Vueling advirtiéndome de que llegase a Schiphol dos horas y media antes; pero ni así hubiera podido coger el avión a tiempo”, afirma. A las puertas del aeropuerto encontró una cola de 1,5 kilómetros. “Cuando conseguí entrar, vi que, de veinte cintas del control de seguridad, solo funcionaban tres”. En el interior las colas también eran “descomunales”. Este descontrol hace que algunos pasajeros se replanteen volver a viajar en avión. “ 220706/8388690/saturacion-aeropuertos-am ml

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Rusia corta el suministro de gas a Países Bajos por su negativa a pagar en rublos
2022-05-31 (15/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El gigante gasístico ruso Gazprom anunció este lunes que a partir de mañana, 31 de mayo, cortará el suministro de gas a la empresa holandesa GasTerra, después de que al/20220530/8304673/rusia-corte-suminist ro-gas-paises-bajos-rublos.html

< a href=" nacional/20220530/8304673/rusia-corte-su ministro-gas-paises-bajos-rublos.html" target="_blank">Més info a
Países Bajos se niega a pagar el gas ruso en rublos y Gazprom corta el suministro
2022-05-31 (16/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El proveedor de energía de Países Bajos GasTerra se ha negado este lunes a pagar el gas ruso en rublos y el gigante ruso Gazprom ha anunciado que como respuesta suspenderá el suministro. tima-hora-invasion-rusa-ucrania-directo_ 6_9035303_1090611.html

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Oficial: Koeman volverá a dirigir a la selección neerlandesa
2022-04-06 (17/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Ronald Koeman, exentrenador del Barça, ha llegado a un acuerdocon la KNVB para relevar en el banquillo de la 'Oranje' a Louis van Gaal oeman-regresara-seleccion-neerlandesa-13 481932

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Barcelona, líder en consum de marihuana a Europa: el triple que a Amsterdam
2022-03-18 (18/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Així ho indica un estudi fet a les aigües residuals de 75 ciutats per part de l'Agència Europea de les Drogues -en-consum-de-marihuana-a-europa-el-trip le-que-a-amsterdam/noticia/3152733/
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Apple Store hostage situation ends when hostage runs off, car strikes suspect
2022-02-23 (19/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The hostage situation at the Apple Store in Amsterdam ended on Tuesday when a hostage ran out of the building, and the suspect ran out after him. As they ran across the street, an unmarked police vehicle sped towards them and struck the suspect, video from the scene showed. e-hostage-situation-ends-hostage-runs-ca r-strikes-suspect

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Storm Eunice set to batter coast with winds of up to 130 kph
2022-02-18 (20/120) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The KNMI weather bureau has issued a code amber weather warning for most of the Netherlands on Friday, saying storm Eunice will be worse than Wednesday night?s storm Dudley. The wind is expected to reach gale force 9 or 10 in coastal areas ? or up to 130 kph ? and 8 in the rest of the country, the KNMI said. The storm will hit the Netherlands around 2pm and reach a peak in the late afternoon. The storm may... orm-eunice-set-to-batter-coast-with-wind s-of-up-to-130-kph/

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